With its new South Bay Waterfront redevelopment, the city of Sanya – already the most coveted tourist destination for mainland China - will be joining the worldwide list of distinguished coastal cities whose visionary redevelopment of their historic inner-harbor precincts has brought new life, and a new heart, to the city and region.
The fractured marine-front roadways have been transformed into ‘Wharf Circle Drive’, a handsome landscaped and walkable loop that includes jogging trails and tramways, and captures the energy of otherwise isolated developments to add to the vibrant development program, which includes: A dramatic hillside residential community with ocean views and organized along active axial paseos that link the surrounding hills to the water; a waterfront fisherman’s village, entertainment center, I-Max theatre, sports center, yacht club, and yacht villa community that nestle along a boardwalk that surrounds the marina; and a landmark 5-star Hotel, Spa and serviced apartments.