Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, located in Pudong, is the new center for cutting-edge research and technology innovation in the surrounding R&D district of the city.
An existing city plan for the area provided a framework of roads and generalized land use. The competition-winning urban design plan makes strategic land-use interventions and height/density realignments, and establishes centers of distinct character for each of the four districts – R&D, Chinese Central Scientific Institute, Arts University, and Technology Island.
The centers intersect with a ribbon of riverside amenities and also connect to a city-wide transit line which is aligned along the main east west spine where modal–split nodes support Transit Oriented Development. The secondary transit system also connects to interceptor parking facilities at peripheral locations, thereby producing a largely car-free environment that is further augmented by bike, walking, and running paths.
The plan also establishes design guidelines that use both prescriptive and elective measures to shape and refine the built environment. Particular attention is paid to human scale and pedestrian issues without ever sacrificing the flexibility that is required in the always evolving technology environment.
Green technology is applied throughout at both macro-planning and micro-architectural scales.